Friday, September 18, 2020

एक कंकाल मुलुंड में पाया गया है, SKELETON FOUND IN MULUND

मुलुंड वेस्ट में RHB रोड पे दो मंजिला ईमारत साधना निवास के मैदान से मानव खोपड़ी और हाथ की हड्डियों के अवशेष मिले हैं। यह ईमारत पिछले २५ वर्षो से खंडहर बनी हुई है, यहा कोई नही रहेता था, CTS Number १२०७ साधना निवास में यह कंकाल पाया गया है।

१७ सितम्बर २०२० को इस इमारत के परिसर में बरसो बाद कोई आया है ओर पत्रे लगाए जा रहे थे। इस समय खुदाई करते समय, श्रमिकों को एक नव खोपड़ी मिलनेपर सभी के होश उड़ गए वहा मोजूद एक व्यक्तीने समाज सेवक सुलभ जैन को बोलया जैन तुरंत घटना स्थल पर पहोच गए और उस कंकाल को देख तेहि स्थानिक पुलिस को सूचित करने के बाद, मुलुंड पुलिस मौके पर पहुंची और खोपड़ी को जब्त कर लिया और DNA परीक्षण के लिए भेजा गया। पुलिस ने पूरे दिन इस इलाके में खुदाई कर रही थी। जिसमें हाथ की हड्डियां भी मिली हैं। मुलुंड पुलिस ने कंकाल के विशेषग्यो से जानकारी लेने के बाद ऐसा कहना है कि अवशेष 15 साल से ज्यादा पुराने होने का अनुमान है। रिपोर्ट और आगे की जांच के बाद ही पता चल सकेगा कि कंकाल किसका है। पुरुष का है या स्त्री का है। 

मुलुंड पोलिस ने M लाइव डॉट न्यूज़ को जानकारी देते हुए कहा की यस मामला क़त्ल याने मर्डर का हो सकता है मोकाए वारदात से मिले कंकाल को DNA टेस्ट के लिए भेजा गया है जिसका रिपोर्ट आने के बाद ही पता चल सकेगा की ये कंकाल किसका है, पुरुष का है या स्त्री का है, और भी कई तरीके से इस केस की जाँच हम कर रहे है, इस केस के लिए एक विशेस टुकड़ी का गठन किया गया है और हम जल्द ही इस मामले का पर्दा फास करेंगे और इस मर्डर के आरोपिओ को भी जल्द से जल्द गिरफ्तार करके कानूनन कार्यवाही करके सजा दिलाएँगे.


Thursday, September 17, 2020

Corona-infected patients stage protest

Corona-infected patients staged a protest at the municipality's Jumbo Covid Care Centre in Mulund, the largest in the East Mumbai suburb. Patients had to face many inconveniences due to non-availability of water supply in the centre since Monday. Finally, the dissatisfaction of the patients increased and they staged a protest at the centre to get water supply regularised as soon as possible. A video of the fuss at the centre went viral. When contacted, we were informed that the water supply was not being restored due to a ruptured pipeline supplying water to the centre, but the water supply was being provided by a tanker and that the supply would be restored by evening.


Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Thane Engineer develops anti pollution system

Vehicular pollution is causing great threat to our environment. Due to the smoke emitted by vehicles, human health is at a risk. An engineer from the Aadivasi Pada in Thane has developed a system, which will reduce the pollution levels. This project will take Thane to an International level. The patent has been certified by the Intellectual Property Department of the Government of India and the project will be very important not only for our country  but will benefit globally.  Mr. Mahendra Lonare, who resides in Thane's Gaimukh Kaleshi Village, has developed a project by the name 'ANTI-POLLUTION SYSTEM ON THE ROAD'. This system will help to nullify the toxic contents found in the smoke emitted by vehicles. Mr. Lonare, who is a Mechanical Engineer by profession, has been working on this project for many years. 

The system is to be installed at those spots on the road where there will be an increased traffic, traffic signals intersections of roads etc. The system looks like a fountain and has a height of 10 ft. to 12ft. The water emerging out from the system will absorb the toxicity from the atmosphere, which all will be collected in a storage tank. The toxic and polluted water collected will be recycled and reused. Also, this project can be installed in places where the air is filled with 90% Carbon dioxide [CO2] or with other harmful pollutants. The system will clear the pollutants from the air purifying it.

Hope that the invention will help in bringing down the pollution levels in cities like Mumbai and make human life more safe and comfortable.


Sunday, September 13, 2020

Amid flare ups, C M Uddhav Thackeray addresses the state


Addressing the state amid criticisms from various quarters regarding the government's handling of the Corona crisis, the Shushant  Rajput case and the Kangana Ranaut case, CM Uddhav Thackeray while addressing the state on September 13 said : "Will Face All Political Storms, Will Fight Covid Too"

Demolition of Kangana Ranaut's bungalow, beating up of an Ex- Navy officer allegedly by Shiv Sainik's were all issues the CM had to face which might have prompted him to address the people to clear the air.

The Sena is also upset that the Supreme Court has refused to uphold the Maratha quota.

The CM said that he will do everything possible to do justice to the community. He urged people not to come on the streets with protests during this critical Covid period.

 Maharashtra continues to be the worst affected state as far as the corona cases are concerned.

He advised the people to take utmost care to control the spread of the virus. He appreciated the restraint showed by people during the festivities and hoped that the citizens will do everything possible to curb the pandemic.

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