On 21 October (Tuesday) after Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) chief Raj Thackarey was arrested by Mumbai Police on 22 October (Wednesday) around 2pm a mob of at least 20-25 MNS activist armed with sticks started attacking shops at Tulsipada at Bhandup (West) to forcibly closedown the shops shutters, an shopkeeper Lalji Yadav (50) who sell vegetable, because of thereat, he suddenly collapsed, due to cardiac attack said other shop owners & residents.
Bhandup Senior Police Inspector Prakash Jadhav said "no injury marks were found on the body of Yadav & body was taken to Rajawadi Hospital for post-mortem. And we arrested 14 local MNS activist in this regards".
Sanjay Narupam Congress leader visited the victim home and meet the family members of the yadav and also the Senior Police Inspector Yadav, as the local resident clearly shown the photos & names of local MNS activist who attacked there shops. Sanjay Narupan demanded the police to book the people whose names were taken by local shop keeper under IPC 302.
Other leader like Krupashanker Singh President Mumbai Congress, Sanjay Patil Local MLC, Nasim Khan MLC & Suresh Koparkar Local Corporate were visited the sport and meet the family members of Yadav & promise the give financial help & do what ever they can possible to help the family member, as yadav was only earning member in home.
Bhandup Senior Police Inspector Prakash Jadhav said "no injury marks were found on the body of Yadav & body was taken to Rajawadi Hospital for post-mortem. And we arrested 14 local MNS activist in this regards".
Sanjay Narupam Congress leader visited the victim home and meet the family members of the yadav and also the Senior Police Inspector Yadav, as the local resident clearly shown the photos & names of local MNS activist who attacked there shops. Sanjay Narupan demanded the police to book the people whose names were taken by local shop keeper under IPC 302.
Other leader like Krupashanker Singh President Mumbai Congress, Sanjay Patil Local MLC, Nasim Khan MLC & Suresh Koparkar Local Corporate were visited the sport and meet the family members of Yadav & promise the give financial help & do what ever they can possible to help the family member, as yadav was only earning member in home.